
The Golden Week

My favorite work week is probably pretty obvious. Vacation week of course. But my second most favorite work week is that golden time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

About 20% of the people in the office actually show up. With everyone sleeping in and shopping for Christmas markdowns I don’t have to deal with all the distractions that have become my lot in life since I became a supervisor. The only drawback? I was promoted last January, and apparently I’m high enough up the corporate ladder to be the most senior person from my section to actually show up. So I have to deal with the people that want to talk to the boss but can’t.

The Golden Week apparently holds true for all office workers downtown. The morning commute is awesome, there is no waiting at the restaurants downtown, and I can park closer to the building. You just have to be flexible at lunch time since about half of the restaurants close down due to lack of customers.

There’s really only one big drawback about working during The Golden Week. The Music City Bowl insures a bunch of tourist yahoos wandering around downtown. Not quite as bad as Fanfare, but this year was very traumatic due to all those Kentucky jerseys getting in my way.

I already miss the golden week. I've never much liked January and February. I loved Kat Coble's comments on it last January so much I have to end this post with her quote.

"It's society's sixty day sleep in the wet spot after the sensual abandon of the holidays."


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